Pets are our spiritual companions and this holy relationship could be dated as far as 2000-year-old wall paintings of Cro-Magnon people. Most culture regard animals as a spiritual link with supernatural forces, acted as protectors and healers, and appeared in our portray of afterlife. They are often considered messengers to god. Humans are benefitted with their deep connection with pets and their company a direct and immediate sense of both the joy and wonder of creation. Unconditional love is what makes the bond stronger. Our animals know us better than anyone else. But, in order for the symbiotic relationship to work for years to come we need to listen what our pet is trying to express. For instance, when we’re in pain or ill, they may also suffer from the same pain or illness. Sometimes a pet has trouble taking his or her medication, which could be due to multiple reason; foul taste, odor, appearance and once they reject the medication it’s hard to reintroduce the same medication. If you are experiencing similar problems you have landed to the right spot, and pharmacist at WellCare pharmacy are here to help. We could compound the medication by adding a tasty flavor that your pets like, or changing the medication from a tablet or capsule into a soft chewable or flavored suspension, which might be easier to administer. You listen to your pet and we are here to listen and customize a therapy for you using our expertise and knowledge and we guarantee you 100% satisfaction.