WellPack Pharmacy | Pediatric
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WellPack Pharmacy provides you with arsenal of trade secrets from flavoring, palatable dosage forms like gummy bears, freezer pops, lollipops and endless innovative child friendly ideas to increase compliance and acceptance. Happy and Healthy children is our ultimate goal.

How Compounding Helps?

Some of the widely used pediatric dosage alternatives include transdermal gel for nausea and vomiting. For example, promethazine compounded into topical formulation helps treat symptoms of nausea and vomiting. Another frequent symptom is sore throat where lollipops with varied tetracaine strengths can be prepared to accommodate children of all ages. Diaper rash is another common pediatric condition where over the counter medications have not rendered sufficient results. Compounding pharmacists at WellPack Pharmacy can provide with custom made formulations to fit your unique needs.

How Compounding Helps?

Some of the widely used pediatric dosage alternatives include transdermal gel for nausea and vomiting. For example, promethazine compounded into topical formulation helps treat symptoms of nausea and vomiting. Another frequent symptom is sore throat where lollipops with varied tetracaine strengths can be prepared to accommodate children of all ages. Diaper rash is another common pediatric condition where over the counter medications have not rendered sufficient results. Compounding pharmacists at WellPack Pharmacy can provide with custom made formulations to fit your unique needs.

We at WellPack Pharmacy take every problem presented to us as an opportunity that can be solved with persistent efforts. We aim to bring a smile on your face because smile is a language even the baby understands.  we can compound preparation including but not limited to:
